Advents 2022 runs from November 27th through December 24, 2022

Third SundayThe season of Advent, which comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “visit,” begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical year for Christians.

During Advent, we prepare for, and anticipate, the coming of Christ. We remember the longing of Jews for a Messiah and our own longing for, and need of, forgiveness, salvation and a new beginning. Even as we look back and celebrate the birth of Jesus in a humble stable in Bethlehem, we also look forward anticipating the second coming of Christ as the fulfillment of all that was promised by his first coming.

One of the traditional ways that Advent is marked is by the lighting of an Advent Wreath. You might find the article on Advent Wreaths helpful . It provides a description of how to make a wreath, how it is used, and prayers that are said during the 4 weeks of Advent  as well as how it is used.

Another way that some families choose to mark the journey through Advent is by using a Jessie Tree. I use a small artificial tree and during each day of Advent hang on it an ornament that represents an important person or story that is part of Jesus’ family or spiritual lineage.

It is also common to use Advent as a time to pray and reflect on how we are preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. I have created an Advent Calendar that I hope you find useful.  For each day of Advent you will find a meditation, activity, and sometimes music related to one of the themes of the season.

May you find this time of preparation to be a blessing to you.

+The Anglican Anchoress