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Moving Toward Joy

While many of us are eagerly anticipating Christmas and looking forward to enjoying time with family and friends, there are others that are struggling.  Whether because of the loss of a loved one, or loss because of poor financial circumstances, finding joy may seem like an impossibility. I remember the year that my father passed away I struggled with grief. In early October of that year, I walked into a department store only to hear the song “Hark the Herald, Angels Sing” playing over the store’s sound system.  I found myself crying and feeling overwhelmed.  The sounds I associated with Christmas time and happy family memories now made me keenly aware of how deeply I missed my father.

Through grief counseling at Church I realized that grieving a loss was a journey. I learned to be more gentle with myself and accepting of my need to opt out of some activities that I did not feel ready for. Ultimately I realized that moving through grief was part of the process needed to move toward joy.

I encourage any that are struggling with grief this Advent Season to be kind to yourself. I ask that those who have friends that are suffering with loss to make gentle inquiries about how you might help them. Invite them to participate in gatherings without pressure and expectation. They may appreciate a little company and a little solitude. But above all, let’s pray for each other. My prayer for you paraphrases St. Paul in his letter to the Philippians.

” I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight,and your ability to discern what is best and pure through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.”